Sunday, February 7, 2016

Waitangi weekend - Amid a jumble of rocks

My 'weekly' blog has started out more 'monthly' this year - but, hey, it's summer and the sun is still shining . Who'd be on a computer? Mmmmm.

Below, some musings from Waitangi Day, when I based myself among some rocks surplus to river stopbank requisitioning.

Amid a jumble of rocks
No standing stones are these,
no ordered sacrifice
or tribute to a Higher Being.

No, just a jumble of rocks,
a random collection of jagged edge greywacke
and lumpy, disfigured amalgam.

Like New Zealanders,
thrown together in a new society,
randomly clumped together.

Sharp edges and hardness,
still working out
how to fit together.

1 comment:

  1. Are these the rocks by the hutt river? was there with the kids clambering over them a couple of Saturdays ago, while Anya was at the River Markets, and it was a beautiful day to be beside the river. Was interesting to see the intended height of the new stopbank, and the totem-pole like structure erected beside the river marking past flood levels and the new height planned. Lovely poem Kes Young, evocative, thanks for sharing... Nick B.
